Voucher registration ends Aug 14
The Government today urged eligible people who have not yet registered for the Consumption Voucher Scheme to submit their registration by August 14.
Registrants choosing to upload their Hong Kong identity card copy for authentication should do so via the scheme website by August 16 to complete the registration procedure.
Those who submitted paper registration forms or completed the electronic registration on or after July 18 will receive the first voucher on September 1 after verification of eligibility.
The Government also reminded people who chose to submit paper registration forms to provide all the information required with a copy of their identity card stapled to the form.
They should put their forms into the drop boxes at around 560 collection points, including post offices and designated bank branches on or before the morning of August 14.
Enquiries about the registration status can be made to the hotline 18 5000.
People are advised to carefully protect their personal data when registering for the scheme and using the vouchers. The Government and its contractors will only communicate with the registrants by designated telephone numbers.
Visit the scheme's website or call 18 5000 for enquiries.