Subsidy schemes accept applications

December 28, 2020

The Club-house Subsidy Scheme opened for applications today, while the Catering Business Subsidy Scheme and two other schemes for commercial bathhouses and places of public entertainment will accept applications from tomorrow.


The Government announced details of the schemes today, following the approval of the fourth round of the Anti-epidemic Fund by the Legislative Council Finance Committee.


The Club-house Subsidy Scheme aims to provide immediate financial relief to Certificate of Compliance (CoC) holders whose businesses have been directly affected by the Government's anti-epidemic and social distancing measures.


A subsidy of $100,000 will be given to eligible holders of a valid CoC issued under the Clubs (Safety of Premises) Ordinance, and an additional $50,000 for CoC holders who also operate karaoke establishments, nightclubs or bars/pubs in their clubhouse premises.


Eligible CoC holders should submit their applications to the Office of the Licensing Authority under the Home Affairs Department before January 28, 2021.


Upon receipt of the completed application form and supporting documents, subsidies could generally be disbursed in around two weeks.


The new round of the Catering Business Subsidy Scheme will provide a one-off subsidy ranging from $100,000 to $500,000 to eligible licence holders of general, light refreshment and marine restaurants as well as factory canteens in operation, according to the premises' floor area as specified on the licence.


The subsidy will be disbursed in two tranches and is expected to benefit about 17,000 catering outlets.


Those which are also running karaoke establishments, nightclubs and bars or pubs and have closed the whole of their licensed premises as directed under the relevant regulation are eligible to apply for an additional one-off subsidy of $50,000.


Meanwhile, the Commercial Bathhouse Licence Holder Subsidy Scheme will provide a one-off subsidy of $100,000 to each eligible licence holder of a commercial bathhouse.


For the Places of Public Entertainment Licence (PPEL) Holder Subsidy Scheme, a one-off subsidy of $100,000 will be provided for each eligible holder of a PPEL and $20,000 for each eligible holder of a temporary PPEL.


The application period for the three schemes is from December 29 to January 28.


Applications can be submitted through the Food & Environmental Hygiene Department's website or to its District Environmental Hygiene Offices in person or by post.


The department will notify separately its cooked food and light refreshment market stall tenants as well as cooked food stall tenants in public housing developments holding hawker licences about the application arrangement. They do not need to apply online.

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