Smart living competition launched
The Innovation & Technology Commission today launched a competition to invite all sectors of the community to put forward innovation and technology solutions to tackle problems facing the city and people in their daily lives.
In light of the new normal under the COVID-19 epidemic, the City I&T Grand Challenge competition invites people to come up with solutions focusing on two issues, namely environmental sustainability and social connectivity.
In a video speech for the event, Financial Secretary Paul Chan said the epidemic has led people to change their lifestyles and think about how to solve problems with technology.
He said the competition will draw creative ideas from all sectors for developing I&T and smart living proposals to help people live as usual and even better in the new normal during and after the epidemic.
The competition is open for applications until April 24, 2021. Target participants range from primary and secondary students to local and non-local tertiary students, I&T enterprises, research and development teams and entrepreneurs.
Winners will be awarded a cash prize and a trophy. For the winners of the university and open categories, they may receive R&D resources and training so they can refine their I&T solutions for trial at a designated venue.
The City I&T Grand Challenge will also comprise workshops, seminars and training activities.
Click here for details.