Distance business support boosted

August 18, 2020

The Innovation & Technology Commission today introduced measures to enhance the Distance Business Programme to further support enterprises to develop distance business during the epidemic.


The programme provides funding support for enterprises to continue business and services during the epidemic by adopting IT solutions.


Given the extended epidemic situation, the commission decided to introduce several enhancement measures in response to the industry's needs and to enable enterprises to make the best use of the funding.


From 9am on August 31, enterprises may submit a second application. In the second application, the categories of the IT solutions must be different from the approved categories in the first application.


They may submit a second application after they have replied to the programme secretariat on the result of the first application.


The programme’s assessment criteria remain unchanged. Each enterprise may receive an aggregate funding of up to $300,000.


The commission will extend the funding period for subscription-based IT solutions from six months to 12 months, also applicable to applications approved earlier.


The restriction that related entities being regarded as one single entity are not allowed to submit applications will also be lifted.


Additionally, social enterprises with certifications issued by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service for this programme will be eligible to apply.


As at 10am, the programme received an overwhelming 17,372 funding applications since it opened on May 18, 95% of which are from small and medium-sized enterprises.


Of the 14,056 applications processed so far, 12,818 have been approved with total funding of more than $540 million.


The application deadline is October 31. Enterprises wishing to apply for programme funding should submit applications online as soon as possible.


Enquiries can be made by calling 2788 5070 or via email.

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