Paper form registrants to get $10k

July 14, 2020

The Government today announced that the first batch of registrants, or people born in 1955 or before, who used paper forms to apply for the Cash Payout Scheme will receive payments or notifications for cheque collection starting from July 15.


This is five days earlier than originally planned, the Government said, adding that those from this age group who submit registration forms from July 5 will receive payments or cheque collection notifications about two weeks after registration.


Those who submitted paper forms to banks will receive the payment via their specified personal bank accounts and those who submitted registration forms to Hongkong Post will receive notifications for cheque collection from Hongkong Post via SMS or post.


The Government said that as of July 4, about 630,000 people belonging to this batch of registrants had submitted paper registration forms through banks and Hongkong Post.


As of July 13, more than 4.5 million people have received $10,000 via bank accounts.


Members of the public may visit the scheme’s website or call 18 2020 for more information. 

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