RTHK management review urged

May 20, 2020

Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Edward Yau said Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) should review whether improvements can be made to its management and governance.


Speaking to reporters at the Legislative Council this afternoon, Mr Yau emphasised that while freedom of speech has always been protected under the Basic Law, RTHK is a public broadcaster that needs to fulfil its obligations under the RTHK Charter.


He said: “RTHK is under the arrangement that their programmes will be subject to the Communications Authority’s jurisdiction regarding handling of complaints against them.”


Mr Yau explained that the authority is a statutory and independent body which applies the same rules for any public and private broadcaster in Hong Kong, adding that it will handle complaints in a fair manner.


“I believe in the recent cases where the Communications Authority passed the verdict against RTHK, it gave due recognition to the entire process. And also in the process, RTHK is also allowed to make a representation.


“But I would also urge RTHK to take the matter seriously and review whether there would be scope for improvement on its management and governance and also in full compliance with the charter for RTHK.”

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