I&T funding scope extended

March 3, 2020

The Innovation & Technology Commission today announced that the funding scopes of the Researcher Programme and the Postdoctoral Hub will be extended to all technology companies conducting or planning to conduct research and development (R&D) activities in Hong Kong.


At present, the two programmes provide funding support for organisations or companies undertaking R&D projects funded by the Innovation & Technology Fund, incubatees and innovation and technology (I&T) tenants of the Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation and Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, as well as startups selected for investment under the Innovation & Technology Venture Fund, to recruit researchers and postdoctoral talents to conduct R&D work.


With the enhancements, the Researcher Programme and the Postdoctoral Hub will assist more local technology companies in engaging research staff, creating more local R&D jobs and enlarging the pool of I&T talent in Hong Kong.


Under the enhanced schemes, each eligible company can engage two researchers and two postdoctoral talents, each with a maximum engagement period of 36 months.


The maximum monthly allowances for researchers with a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree from a local university are $18,000 and $21,000, while that for postdoctoral talents is $32,000.


The enhancements will take effect March 9.


Click here for details of the Research Programme and here for the Postdoctoral Hub.


Call 3655 5678 for enquires.

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