Electricity charges relief set

December 24, 2019

A new round of a one-off $2,000 electricity charges subsidy will be provided to eligible residential households from January, the Government announced today.


The subsidy, one of the relief measures announced by the Financial Secretary to counter the challenging external and local economic environments, will benefit more than 2.7 million households.


Starting from January, $160 will be credited to each residential electricity account with CLP Power Hong Kong (CLP) and the Hongkong Electric Company (HK Electric) on the first day of each month for 11 consecutive months.


A subsidy of $240 will be credited on the 12th month.


The credit, together with unused credit provided under similar schemes in 2008, 2011, 2012 and 2013 and the relief provided under the Electricity Charges Relief Scheme, can be used to offset the billed charges for electricity consumed under an account.


Any unused credit can be carried forward in the same account up to December 31, 2022 or the close of the account, whichever is earlier.


The credit under the new subsidy scheme will be reflected in the bills for residential accounts with the two electricity companies.


Call CLP at 2678 2678 or HK Electric at 2887 3411 for enquiries.

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