Student strike affects learning: Eddie Ng
September 12, 2012
Gov't notes all views on education subject: CS
September 12, 2012
CE urges up-to-date debate
September 11, 2012
Withdrawing subject against HK's spirit: CE
September 11, 2012
Policy change set for immediate implementation
September 10, 2012
CS happy hunger strike has ended
September 09, 2012
No deadline for national education
September 08, 2012
National education decision left to schools
September 08, 2012
All issues can be discussed: CS
September 07, 2012
CE invites concern groups to meet with him
September 07, 2012
CE 'open to dialogue'
September 07, 2012
Committee's terms of reference open
September 06, 2012
National education pamphlets released
September 06, 2012
Committee to discuss way forward: CS
September 04, 2012
Room for discussion on national studies: CE
September 04, 2012
CS urges right focus on national studies
September 03, 2012
Schools to devise national education material: CE
September 02, 2012
CE calls for open attitude towards national education
August 31, 2012
Anna Wu to head national education committee
August 22, 2012
Committee to monitor national education launch
July 29, 2012
National education to launch gradually
July 20, 2012
Handbook not related to EDB curriculum
July 18, 2012

- Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link
- Hong Kong SAR's 20th Anniversary
- Ngau Tau Kok fire
- Lead in Drinking Water Incidents
- Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
- Constitutional Reform(4)-Consultation Report and Proposals on the Method for Selecting the Chief Executive by Universal Suffrage
- Constitutional Reform(3) - Second Round Consultation
- Constitutional Reform(2) - Decision of the NPCSC
- Constitutional Reform(1) - First Round Consultation
- Occupy Movement(1)
- Occupy Movement(2)
- White Paper on "The Practice of the 'One Country, Two Systems' Policy in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region"
- Old age living allowance
- Moral and National Education
- Statutory minimum wage
- National 12th Five-year Plan