Admin & Civic Affairs
Ombudsman recruitment exercise opens

(December 14, 2013)
The post of the Ombudsman is open for application from today.Incumbent Ombudsman Alan Lai has indicated he will not seek to renew his mandate when his term expires on March 31.
The Chief Executive expressed his gratitude to Mr Lai for his contribution. Under his leadership, the Ombudsman's office has continued to function as an independent, credible and reliable avenue for administrative redress in Hong Kong.
The Ombudsman's primary role is to investigate alleged maladministration of Government departments and the public authorities and organisations which are under its jurisdiction.
The post is advertised in newspapers today. To apply, applicants must have:
* Hong Kong permanent residency;
* a good general education;
* at least 15 years of experience in public administration, professional practice or private sector management at a senior level;
* a clear vision, impeccable integrity, a strong sense of justice and fairness, good leadership qualities and management skills and mature personality;
* previous experience in public or community service in Hong Kong; and
* strong language and communication skills, including good command of written Chinese and English and spoken Cantonese and English.
Applications should be submitted to Korn/Ferry International (HK) Ltd, 15/F, St George's Building, 2 Ice House Street, Central, by January 3.